
In former days “the master and servant”

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In former days “the master and servant” were in court confront the Taibei Local court to try the

Chen Shuibian family four big shortcoming documents, this afternoon 2:30 held a court hearing Wu

Shuzhen to be involved in a case the part, and arranged Wu Shuzhen to be in court the confrontation

with first Chen Shuibian office teller Chen Zhenhui, Wu Shuzhen has also become the defendant who

in the flat family shortcoming document first entered substantive trying. In the afternoon 2.20

points little, Chen Zhenhui first arrives at the Taibei Local court, about 2 minutes later, Wu

Shuzhen also arrives under the son Chen Zhizhong's accompaniment. Before leaving plays an ace the

figure garden, Wu Shuzhen makes the health examination, the measure blood pressure, all normal, the

Chen Shuibian office rephrased in own words, Wu Shuzhen all by ordinary heart regarding. According

to the Taiwan intermediary understood that Taiwan detects especially when last year group inquired

Wu Shuzhen, she denied that instructed Chen Zhenhui and Ma Yongcheng gratuity the subordinate name

to cheat receives official business expense, also denied that Chen Zhenhui manufactured official

business to spend the revenue and expenditure table and the blotter monthly verifies for her. But

last month 10th appeared in court Wu Shuzhen to the Taibei Local court when the confession big

transformation, she acknowledged attains the money, but said that did not know Chen Zhenhui drew

money with any way, also did not remember that had has looked at the account.

